MISB’s house system consists of four groups spread across the school. The four colours, Green, Pink, Red and Yellow are also named after Sat Gurus. The overall aim of the House System is to connect all year groups of EYFS, Primary and Secondary within the school, providing them with the opportunity to further develop skills and experiences in order to become confident and well-rounded individuals. The House system aims to give students an identity and sense of pride in a supportive, secure environment. The Houses provide for positive competition and a closer rapport between students and teachers. The House system is an integral and vibrant part of the school's culture.

It ties in closely with the high performance goals by getting students to work to help each other build confidence through collaboration; persevering through a task; taking risks as a group to achieve a common goal and learning to be enquiring and creative in a safe atmosphere. The House System aims to do this by providing House members with enjoyable and competitive House events; thereby allowing students to succeed both in and outside of the classroom. House events/activities take the form of Intra-Mural Competitions, which are monthly competitions in various disciplines in the school and can be anything from a quiz, elocution, drama, dance, singing etc. which also includes the various sporting competitions held throughout the year.

Captains and Vice-Captains help organize and assist in the events which the students participate in. House points are awarded to a student/s or to the whole house for winning. Every event earns House Points which are collected over the year. At the end of the year the House with the most points is acknowledged and rewarded with a “Champions Trophy”, followed by the first and Second runners up. There is also a separate trophy for both Primary and Secondary Winners of the Intra-Mural Competitions.


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